heres a cool video of a wolf running i did


1. no cusing or being mean(unless your wolf is evil that is ]:) but still no cursing.)

2. no playing other peoples wolves.

3. no ruining the plot, say right now, some wolves were caught by silvana pack and you are a good goon, you say "[your goons name] walkes up with the stolen wolves." that would entirely ruin something i might have planned.

4. no killing someone elses wolf without permisson from the owner and me.

5. HAVE FUN! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

RP 1

heres a page to rp since the places are a page and you cant comment on it.


  1. Calystegia trotts along the river looking for fish to catch for the pack. She swiftly catches a sharp toothed male salmon and gets scratched on her leg just another scar to add to my collection she thinks. She grabbes the Salmon and heads back to the den, she drops it in front of Scout then says "Well i'd better be over to Serena, this little guy gave me a pretty bad wound." Calystegia then starts walking towards Elder tree, where serena heals, and on the way sees Phlox and he imediatly notices the wound and says "What happened here?" as he walks over to callie. "Oh just salmon, im goin over to Serena to get it healed up." She says. Phlox then helps her over to to serena then goes out with the other hunters to hunt for land prey. Serena quickly trotts over to the trunk of the elder tree and out of a hole pulls out some unknown herbs and chews them up, she then places them on Callies leg and says to hold them on, so she does. Serena then trotts back over to the tree and grabs a large leaf and some twisted fibers then trots back over and places the large leaf around the wound, then ties it on with the fibers. (btw the wolves who are hunting right now are Phlox, Scout, Juminakata, and Xanti since we have a shortage of wolves.

  2. (from an un named wolfs perspective)
    Two icy blue eyes watch the hunting wolves. the eyes moved to the moose herd and the wolf bounded past the herd. With a tail signal the wolf bounded out with five others and chased the moose right into the hunters.
    (from juminakata's perspective)
    Juminakata stalks steathily in the undergrowth when suddenly the moose started racing towards them and she barked a warning and turned to run but was stomped on and put unconcious. Her last sight was a scarred black wolf looking down on her.
    (From Xantis perspective)
    Xanti looked at the black wolf in the lead and snarled with fear and hatred before turning tail and running.


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