heres a cool video of a wolf running i did


1. no cusing or being mean(unless your wolf is evil that is ]:) but still no cursing.)

2. no playing other peoples wolves.

3. no ruining the plot, say right now, some wolves were caught by silvana pack and you are a good goon, you say "[your goons name] walkes up with the stolen wolves." that would entirely ruin something i might have planned.

4. no killing someone elses wolf without permisson from the owner and me.

5. HAVE FUN! :)


Blue eyed grass
3 petals

Hummingbird sage
Like honeysuckle you can suck the nectar out of the flowers.

shines in the sun, hence the name buttercup.

Fuchsia-flowered gooseberry
Shrub with spikes.

Poison oak
Do not Touch or you will get an itchy rash.  Sometimes have 5 leaves caused by mutation.

Golden backed fern
has a dust like substance under leaves.

Yerba buena
Good for bad smells.

when wet can clean.

Deadly nightshade, also know as Purple nightshade
toxic if eaten.

Poison hemlock
one leaf can kill a fully grown wolf if eaten.

Milk thistle

Scarlet pimpernel

a low growing desertish plant with water traped inside.

medicinal, used for wounds.

Medicinal, When chewed soothes wounds.

A treatment for poison oak.

Stinging nettle
Stings when touched, but also edible when tiny thorns are off.

A treatment to stinging nettle.